

Autumn; The Second Spring

~Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.~
I love Autumn! I was born in spring, but in a way I feel like I'm Autumn child.
I actually don't even know excatly why I like autumn so much... huh, weird - I just enjoy it (even if I get 'depressed' 'cause it gets so dark in the fall -.-) . :D
Sometimes when I see a big pile of fallen, colorful leaves I got this sudden urge to jup to the pile like a little child... But I won't... 'cause people would think I'm totally crazy. hmph! ;(
*sigh* No leaf piles for me.
Instead I suffocated my childish urges by doing a fallen leaves inspired MU-look :)
Hope you like it, I worked really hard for this!

And don't forget to vote the look here:
~Autumn Spirit~
To create this look I used:
* Inglot eyeprimer
* Nyx Jumbo Pencil "Milk"
*MUG "Chickadee"
*MUG "Yellow Brick Road"
*MUG "Mandarine"
*MUG "Razzleberry"
*MUG "Fuji"
*MUG "Corrupt"
*BH Cosmetics 120 palette, 2nd edition
*Sugarpill Cosmetics "Goldilux" (Chromalust Loose Shadow)
*MUG Gel Liner "Immortal"
*Red Cherry Lashes #600
*Fusion Of Color Cosmetics Blush "Hambug"
Thank you for reading! :)


Skin Types

Hiiiii :))

As I told in a previous post, I'm going to write about skin types, since I was so long clueless about my own skin type. 'Cause I didn't know the 'needs' of my skin, I most likely treted it in a wrong way. There must be other people also who are struggling with this same DILEMMA, so hopefully this post helps to determine your skin type and the right ways to take care of it. :)
For now I'm only listing the skin types and I talk about the right care in the next post. :)

There are 4 different skin types:
Dry skin
Oily skin
Combination skin
Well.... First of all, in my opinion every skin type is NORMAL. There aren't right and wrong - its not abnormal to have oily skin or dry skin! :DD You know what I'm trying to say?
Secondly: Every one of these skin types can also be SENSITIVE, but there aren't a skin type that's only sensitive.
How to determine your skin type:
* Look - take a mirror and look what your skin looks like
*Feel - touch your face. But with CLEAN hands! :D
^ These are the things we cosmeticians do also when we determine the skin type of the client. We look the skin, touch the skin. (also we ask questions but only so that we know what the client thinks about her/his skin.)
Now that we are looking our beautiful face from the mirror, we have to know what we are looking for. :P
Normal skin:
* It is Not oily nor dry
* Pores are normal size (those are the small 'holes' you can see <--- with normal skin you most likely don't see them easily)
* The skin is soft and smooth
* Hydration is normal (pull your eyelid gently and if it bounces back immediately, you have good hydration.)
* Color: Good, 'rosy' (not pale or ashy)
* Blood circulation good (you blush easily)
NOTE: There can be some blemishes or blackheads even if the skin is normal.
Dry skin:
*Feels dry and bristly
* Pores are almost too tiny to see
* The skin can feel thin (mostly older).
* Can feel like it's cracking. 
* Is smooth (with younger)
* No blemishes or blackheads
* Hydration is poor
* Color: Good or some cases pale
* Blood circulation can be poor (with older)
* Can be sensitive or irritates easily
Oily skin:
* Feels oily
* Looks oily (shines)
* Thick skin structure
* Pores are big
* Hydration can be either normal, poor or increased
*Color: yellow-ish, grey-ish. No transparent effect
* Blood circulation: Normal
* Blemishes, blackheads
Now, I have to say this. If you have oily skin, don't worry or be sad! Usually those who have oily skin as a teen, have lot better skin as a adult than same aged person! :D
It may sound unfair, but that's just how it is! :D
Combination skin:
This skin type is really common and hard to explain with just these '*'-marks.
* Can be a mixture of different skin type: eg. oily skin + normal skin: Dry skin + oily skin.
* Common combination: Oily t-zone + normal cheeks
With this skin type you have to just se if there are something from the dry skin and something from some other skin type. I know that some say that combination skin is oily t-zone and normal cheeks, but that's not the only one and right combination!

Eg. If you have oily cheeks, but dry forehead and nose - you still are a Combo skin! :D
For myself I'm a combination skin (oily t-zone + normal/dry cheeks): 
*Big/Normal pore in the forehead, nose, chin
* Tiny pore in the cheek area
* Blackheads on the nose area
* Color: pale
* My t-zone shines during the day (e.g your foundation feels like it doesn't stay on place)
* My cheeks are normal (summer), but in the winter they dry
* Isn't sensitive
* Hydration is good
Hope this was even little helpfull! I tried to make this as clear as possible.
If you have any conserns, don't be afraid to contact me, I'm more than happy to help! :))
I'll be back soon, have a great day! <3


Mixed Things

Hi evereyone,
I know I have been quite lately, I have so much stuff going on in my life right now. I can tell you something, but there are actually a... well I don't know is it really a 'big' problem - for me at least it is - and aout that I'm not rady to talk now (or even never).
I have a friend who's extremely supporting in this matter, so THANK YOU for being there for me! <3
Also the school has been keeping me away from the computer lately. There aren't much 'homework' since we are already technically working in the school as a cosmetologists (I didn't write that right, did I? haha :D), but I'm almost everyday freakishly tired after school. (Maybe also 'cause the worries, but anyway.)
Here you can see a 'facial care card'. We have now a facial care in school. This card is something we always fill before doing any facials. For example: we have to determine how big pores the clients has, is there blackheads (comedos) or is the skin sensitive. (there are more than only those.)
All of these questions help us to know if the client has normal skin, oily skin, dry skin or combination skin.
And as you can quess, when we know the skin type, we can choose the best products for it.
Lets say we have a client that has dry skin. We then choose to use products that are meant to add hydration in the skin. :) It would be no use to use oily skin products for dry skin - there are ingredients that dries the skin in the oily skin products. This way the skin would dry out even more! :D
This is why it would be really helpfull for all of us to really recognize what is our skin type. So that we can take care of it right way.
Sooooo, I've decided to help you little bit with that matter. I will do a post soon where I:

* Tell you about different skin types.
* Help you to recognize some typical features of each skin type.
* Tell little bit how to trat each skin type.
Sounds  good? :)) I wanted to do this, 'cause I have had a problematic skin and it was a pain to take care of it 'cause I really didn't know was I a combination skin or a oily skin - so I can emphatize if someone's having frustrations!! x)
But about that later. Here's a another dark makeup!! :D

I'm so sorry! I don't remember the products I used! xDD I have such a short memory these days!
Last but not least, I colored and cut my hair last weekend. :)))
Isn't it nice color? :P Me likey! (Even if I'm saying it myself.) I'm going to stay with reddish colors.
For those who didn't knew, I use to have pitch black hair. I was black haired until the spring 2012. ;)
I didn't want to invest money to the hair salon so I did my hair (coloring and cut) by myself. xD
DO NOT ABUSE YOUR HAIR LIKE I DID HAHA! <--- it looked like I was killing my hair. :'DD
But don't worry, I have REEEEEALLY thick hair, so it wasn't a bid deal even if I don't have a hair stylists way of cutting hair.
Oh, and my hair is healthy and shiny so no damages :D They way I cut it, just looked really brutal (from the point of my precious hair.... buhahaha xD)
That's all fror now. This post is a... chaotic mess of everything I have in my head right now - a word vomit!!!! hahaha.
Good day my lovies! :))
.... Need to go sleep... and it's only 4 pm. :DD